Our development programme in Pakistan aims to strengthen the community organizations to become effective development actors. Some of the major interventions in our focused areas include mainstreaming people with disabilities in local development and social, economic empowerment of the most oppressed, provision of safe drinking water and sanitation. We have identified and medically assessed a large number of people with disabilities who require rehabilitation and inclusion in local development and become part of communal life. A large number of people with disabilities can be rehabilitated and included into mainstream development interventions through small donations of assistive devices, trainings on independent living, equipment, school books and bags. These assistive devices will enrich their lives and enable them to lead their life independently and enjoy the daily joys as is their due right. The donation can be deposited (through cash, pay order, bank draft or cheque) directly to the following CHIP humanitarian Account:

CHIP is also responding in the current humanitarian crisis created by floods, which started in June 2022 and continue to damage the most impoverished communities in all the provinces of Pakistan. We encourage donations from individual philanthropists as well as organization to help us reach out and address the needs of affected communities.

Title of AccountCivil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme (CHIP)
Account Number24460005031901
Name of BankHabib Bank Limited, Pakistan
Branch AddressCollege Road Branch, Jinnah Super Market, F-7, Islamabad
Post code44000